The Daily Routine That Changed My Life

Win The Morning, Intentional Living, Time Inventory, & more!

Today at a glance:

  • Question: Redefining Your Lifestyle

  • Quote: Intentional Living

  • Framework: Time Inventory

  • Resource: High Performance Daily Planner

Tough question on your current lifestyle:

Is my daily routine sabotaging or moving me towards my goals?

This is an important question to be asking ourselves. Business owners tend to neglect self reflection, and therefore, take much longer to reach their goals.

Let’s face it - it is painful to admit that we are wrong… I understand that.

In order to be ruthlessly self-reflective we need to look at the parts of ourselves that we are insecure about.

Nobody wants to admit that spending 45 minutes scrolling on Instagram first thing in the morning is sabotaging their productivity.

Nobody wants to admit that staying up late watching Netflix until midnight is sabotaging their ability to get deep sleep.

Nobody wants to admit that eating fast food every day is affecting your energy.

And this failure to look inwards will keep you stuck for a long time. You cannot make changes in areas of your life you are avoiding, denying, or ashamed of.

Which brings me to the topic of: how are you spending your time.

Is it intentional? Are you running your day? Is your day running you?

Are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off or mindfully approaching your day with calm and a sense of direction?

Do you plan your day the night before?

The first step in making any reasonable change in our life is becoming problem aware. Admitting what we are doing isn’t working. Only once a problem is identified, we can then take massive action towards making a change.

In the framework section below I provide a self reflective exercise to get you thinking about how you can begin to remove toxic habits from your life and begin installing new ones.

The biggest error I see people make is they try to add new habits before removing old ones. Our lives can improve drastically by eliminating a few things from our day to day.

Quick example: What if you stopped watching TV for 1 month, and limited your phone use to 9am-8pm. Giving you a few hours in the morning and at the end of the day without technology.

Do you think maybe you will get bored and start reading more? Or pick up that new hobby you been going on and on about? Or call your parents more?

As cliche as this sounds - we all have the same 24 hours in the day and most people spend it on things that just don’t matter.

You say you want more time in your life, yet you send 90 mins a day on Instagram.

You say you want to spend more time to workout, but you won’t get up an hour earlier.

You say you want more energy, but you decide to drink alcohol with friends 3 times a week.

I’m not promoting hustle culture in any way, I want to make that very clear. I’m talking about cutting things out of our life so you can create space for new things to come in. Or heck… maybe you just want more time in the day to stare out the window a dream. You don’t HAVE to fill it, but you will have the option too if you desire!

Life is about choices. You have the power to make choices that either serve you or sabotage you.

The ball is in your court now.

Quote: “Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us.” - Richie Norton


Here is a simple inventory framework to begin looking at what you can remove in your life to create more space. I want you to create 4 categories (see example below) and begin listing habits / choices that you are making daily that you want to change. Be honest with yourself, you only hurting yourself more if you don’t take an honest look at what you are doing.


  • Morning social media scrolling in bed

  • Watching the news

  • Complaining about other people


  • No daily structure

  • 1 hour meetings that should be 15 minutes

  • Phone on your desk distracting you


  • Consuming to much caffeine

  • Eating fast food daily

  • Staying up late


  • Gossiping with friends

  • Blaming your partner for you unhappiness

  • Watching TV as your only quality time together

If you are looking for more resources on how to better manage your mental and emotional health, we have a variety of available resources when you sign up for a Nurtr Wellness membership. Check it out here.

Resource: The Best Time Management Tool On The Market

Much love,
