How To Get Ahead of 99% of People

The Power Of Saying No, Daily Planner, & More!

The Things You Need

Today at a glance:

  • Question: Redefining The Power of Saying No

  • Quote: Alan Watts

  • Resource: The High Performance Planner

Question on redefining the power of saying no.

Would you benefit from 3 months of saying no to everything?

Imagine what your life would look like after 3 months of dedicated focus.

And I’m not talking about focus in the traditional sense of being able to sit down and work for 8 hours a day.

I’m talking about you taking the next 3 months of your life to rapidly advance in a specific area of your life. And saying no to everything else. This is how to get ahead of 99% of people.

Otherwise classified as a season of no.

What is a season of no? A season of no is a pre determined period of time, usually 3 - 6 months where you get clear on a big picture goal and align your life and actions around it.

This may sound extreme, but I promise that if you if you commit to it, it would be impossible for you to not make serious progress.

When we combine a world filled with distractions and the inability to stay consistent, we are guaranteed to fail.

We need to set daily non negotiable’s for the next 3 months. That means NO MATTER WHAT you must stay disciplined to these key variables for success.

Here is what is typical:

  • No alcohol/weed

  • No caffeine past 12pm (for improved sleep)

  • No social gatherings

  • No consumption of social media (Only posting for your business)

  • 10 minutes daily meditation

  • 30 minutes daily exercise

Once you have decided on your daily non negotiable’s it is time to pick a goal and go 100% all in.

Here is an example of a day in the life of someone who wants to focus on growing a YouTube channel.

7am: Wake Up (No social media, 10 minutes of meditation, Hydrate, Protein rich breakfast)

8am-12pm: Plan/Write YouTube Video Script + Shot List

12pm-1:30pm: Lunch, 30 minutes exercise

2pm-6pm: Film + Edit YouTube Video

6pm: Dinner

7pm-9pm: Evening walk, family time, reading, stretching, planning the next day.

10pm: In bed.

Could you imagine how easy it would be to grow a YouTube channel if you aligned your life like this? You would be consistently creating and uploading YouTube videos every week while taking amazing care of yourself.

Now for those that are wondering how someone would still earn an income with this example, here is the solution. Let’s say you have another job Monday-Friday and wanted to grow a youtube channel, that might mean that your weekends are fully blocked off for the next 3 months. I know that working 7 days a week will be tiring… but who else is going to build your dream for you?

Unfortunately, no one.

If this sounds like you…maybe your season of no is even more strict. Maybe you take a week or two off work and sacrifice some income to get ahead on your goal, maybe you get up even earlier and script a video before work, maybe you take a work call on your brisk 30 minute walk to double up on your time.

My point is this… it’s not supposed to be comfortable. It’s about taking massive action towards the 1 thing you care about knowing that this isn’t your life forever.

It is only 3 months. You can do it. I believe in you.

Quote: “The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention” - Alan Watts

If you are looking for more resources on how to better manage your mental and emotional health as an entrepreneur, we have a variety of available resources when you sign up for a free Nurtr Wellness membership. Check it out here.