How To Optimize Your Focus in 2024

Technology, Pomodoro Technique, Andrew Huberman, & More!

Today at a glance:

  • Question: Focus

  • Quote: Dr. Andrew Huberman

  • Framework: Pomodoro Technique

  • Resource: Focus Tool Kit Podcast

Welcome to 2024. This is the first issue of the new year, and I want to take a moment and wish you a fantastic year ahead. If you are new to the Nurtr Letter coming into 2024, welcome to our community. We are happy to have you!

Question on focus: Are you setting yourself up to fail by your current habits?

More often than not, our results in life are a byproduct of our actions and behaviours. In today's issue I want to dive into a variety of issues people face when it comes to focusing, as well as provide practical science based advice on how to fix these issues.

But let's first identify the big elephant in the room: our phones.

If you think about it, most people are aware that social media is designed to grab our attention. The algorithms are constantly putting things in front of us that we want to see. 

Our phones are also where we receive texts, make calls, and listen to music. 

Our phones are highly distractive objects. So why in the world do we keep them by our desks when we are trying to work?

Simple Answer: Habit.

Uncomfortable Answer: Dopamine Addiction.

Did you know that it takes 22 minutes for our brains to refocus after we have been distracted? That means that if we are checking our phone every 10 minutes we are never actually getting into a proper state of focus…. No wonder shit is not getting done!

Look, If you are wanting to improve your focus in 2024, you need to do the obvious action first and remove your phone. Period. Leave it in your bedroom, kitchen, or heck, put it in your car if you are really that bad at stepping away from it for a few hours. 

At first you might feel tempted to go and get it, but I promise you that over time your body will adjust and you will no longer feel the urge to reach for your phone. 

Great phone is gone! But what about my computer? 

I’m an apple user so my computer has everything synced and integrated to my phone.. Which can make it challenging to not check notifications here as well. 

Here are the steps I take to solve this:

  • Turn on Do Not Disturb 

  • Do not open any apps except what I’m working on

  • Use the Pomodoro Technique (More on this below)

Set an intention this year to set better boundaries with your phone and computer and you will begin to reap the benefits of deep focused work.

Quote: Dr. Andrew Huberman -

Framework: Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals.

  1. Choose a task for the current pomodoro.

  2. Set the timer to 25 minutes.

  3. Work on the task until the timer sounds, then take a 5 minute break.

  4. Set the timer for another 25 minutes.

  5. Work on the task until the timer sounds, then take a 10 minute break.

I have been using this technique for years to structure my work blocks and I highly recommend giving it a try. I use this simple online timer here.

Resource: Huberman Lab Podcast - Focus Toolkit

If you want to dive deep into the neuroscience of focus, I highly recommend you listen to this podcast below.

In Case You Missed It:

In Monday’s issue, I wrote about how to beat loneliness as an entrepreneur.

Only business owners understand the social isolation that creeps in when you are neck deep in the growth or survival of your business.

An 85 year study at Harvard University found that the number 1 indicator of happiness is social connection.

Framework: Here are 3 proven steps you can take to get out of entrepreneurial isolation. 

  1. Accept your feelings of loneliness. The first step in making any real change is accepting that you are feeling this way. Accepting these feelings without judgement is vital to moving towards sustainable change.

  2. Find 2-3 local business owners in your network who you would enjoy spending time with.

  3. Book weekly 1 hr social coffee meetings, in person. Not on zoom. In person! We are human beings and we need social connection in order to thrive in life. 

If you are looking for more resources on how to better manage your mental and emotional health, we have a variety of available resources when you sign up for a free Nurtr Wellness membership. Check it out here.