Doing The Boring Work

Redefining Boring Work, Choosing Your Struggle, Clarify Your Why, & More!

Today at a glance:

  • Question: Redefining Boring Work

  • Quote: Dan Koe

  • Framework: Clarify Your Why

  • Resource: Alex Hormozi YouTube Video

Question on redefining doing the boring work.

What is your relationship to boring, mundane tasks that move the needle forward in life and business?

Professional athletes and successful entrepreneurs share something in common - they find success because of their ability to do the boring work day in and day out.

Let’s break down what boring work looks like for professional athletes:

  • Mobility / Stretching

  • Physio Appts

  • Working on skill deficiencies off the field 

  • Sports psychology meetings

  • Watching game tapes 

  • Going to sleep early to prepare for games

  • Training when tired

  • Contract negotiations 

  • Team meetings 

Let’s break down what boring work looks like for entrepreneurs:

  • Following up with clients 

  • Building sales pages

  • Reviewing sales calls

  • Hiring team members 

  • Marketing performance analysis 

  • Making consistent content for social media 

  • Gathering testimonials 

  • Improving products and services

  • Writing proposals & contracts 

Do those things sound fun to you? Of course not. 

Here is the best part… It's not fun for anyone!

A lot of the time people will glamorize athletes and entrepreneurs because they don't actually understand what it takes to be great at something. They only see the result of having a ton of money without looking at the sacrifices they have made.

They do what is required regardless of how it makes them feel. That’s what greatness requires. I promise you Kobe Bryant did not enjoy getting up at 5am to work out, but he did it anyway.

Let me give you a real time example of this. I’m not a huge fan of writing newsletters, I much prefer making videos, but I know that writing is a great way to connect with my audience and I have received personal emails stating that they really enjoyed reading the last letter. 

I will do what is required to make the level of impact that I want to make, even if that means doing boring work. 

So… what does this mean for you?

I hope this letter will help you take a deeper look into your business and start to identify where you may be avoiding doing the boring work. The boring work that will take you one step closer to your goals. 

Is there an important email you need to send? A contract that needs to be revised? A YouTube video that needs to be edited and uploaded? A sales call that needs to be reviewed? A job posting that needs to be written?

If this resonates with you, please send this to someone you know who is working towards building their dream. 


“You can’t escape struggle. It is the source of your success or mediocrity.” - Dan Koe

Framework: Clarifying questions on your “why”.

When you understand the why behind everything you do, it becomes easier to do boring work. There becomes a deeper driver force behind the decisions you make. This is why it is crucial to gain clarity on your purpose in the world.

Here are a few simple questions to ask yourself when you feel unmotivated.

  1. What is my deeper purpose in the world?

  2. What actions will move me closer to my goals?

  3. What would a successful person do in this scenario?

  4. Who do I need to become to accomplish this task?

  5. Am I willing to accept mediocrity?

Resource: A DOER’s Approach to Procrastination.

If you are looking for more resources on how to better manage your mental and emotional health, we have a variety of available resources when you sign up for a Nurtr Wellness membership. Check it out here.